About Us
Peritus MedicoLegal Experts is a specialist practice with two experienced consultant general surgeons: Mr Parv Sains and Mr Anthony Miles.
They have extensive academic, clinical and medico-legal experience, and can provide medico-legal opinions in General and Laparoscopic Surgery including Inaugural Hernia, Ventral Hernia, Incisional Hernia, Femoral Hernia Surgery, Emergency Abdominal Surgery including Appendectomy, Major Bowel Resection, Stoma, Coloproctology including Haemorrhoid and Fistula, Fissure, THD (Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialisation), HALO (Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation Operation) Surgery, Colon Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Surgery, TATME (Trans Anal Total Mesorectal Excision), TME (Total Mesorectal Excision), Low Rectal Cancer, TEMS (Trans Anal Endoscopic Surgery).
Over the last 3 years, they have been involved in over 50 medico-legal cases for both Claimants and Defendants, as well as providing expert opinions to Coroners Court.
The advantages of using Peritus:
- Rapid turnaround of reports
- Medical specialists with extensive academic, clinical and medicolegal experience
- Full secretarial support service
- Transparent fee structure available on request
- Ability to undertake medical assessment of clients where appropriate and instructed
Whilst we are putting the finishing touches to our new website, please feel free to contact us to discuss how Peritus can help you with.
Peritus Ltd
4 Elsworthy, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0YP
T: 07932 015655
E: info@peritusmedicolegal.co.uk